How do I post to the forum?

General questions about CAS products
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How do I post to the forum?

Beitrag von eduardo » 16 Mai 2022, 15:41

Visitors who rarely browse forums may wonder, "how do I post to the forum?" To "post" a contribution, the visitor must register. Without registration, posts can only be read. If there were no registration requirement, the forum would be flooded with "spams" (advertising garbage..) in a few seconds.
In this forum every new registration is also checked for authenticity. Unfortunately, forums are flooded with new registrations by spam robots. But these spam robots can be unmasked relatively easily. If a new registration is plausible, the applicant will receive a confirmation of his registration after a few hours.

The registration process in pictures:

1) The registration

forumreg_1.jpg (16.45 KiB) 3615 mal betrachtet

2) Read terms of use (note language setting!)

forum gb 2.jpg
forum gb 2.jpg (48.13 KiB) 3615 mal betrachtet

3) The actual registration with a question:
"Which word is between the numbers red and green:"
The anwer to the question is "und"

forum gb 3.jpg
forum gb 3.jpg (48.98 KiB) 3615 mal betrachtet

4) Changing settings (example: language)
forum gb 4.jpg
forum gb 4.jpg (53.18 KiB) 3615 mal betrachtet

Now the registered user can post his own contributions.

Posting a topic or a contribution.
After all, there is a German and English forum area. Write the posts in the desired language area. It is also important to post a new topic in the correct topic area. e.g. the "General Area" should only be open for topics that do not belong to another area. Notation questions belong in the Notation section, harmonica fingering questions are often also notation questions. As soon as such questions are harmonica specific, they should be placed in the Harmonica notation section. Therefore, first consider where exactly the contribution belongs. (In case of emergency we will move posts to the correct area).

Once you are in the target area of the post you want to create (notation in the image), you just need to select "New Topic".

On the "Create new topic" page, the desired text can now be inserted. Images can also be integrated into a question.

And something else is very important. In a topic only one (as a number: 1) question or problem should be addressed!!! Therefore, for each question insert a separate topic.