How can a region of a song be set to a different key?

Questions about the notation part of MC-Free/Light and Score
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How can a region of a song be set to a different key?

Beitrag von eduardo » 09 Nov 2017, 13:23

If you want to play a region of a song e. g. two semitones higher, the following steps are necessary.

Procedure in the notation:
  • Double-click on the first bar of the new key (bar should be marked red)
  • Select the last bar of the part by holding down the Shift key (full part is now red)
  • Right-click the "transpose" function and select the desired half step.
  • Select again only the first bar of the section and select the function "Insert key signature" under "Edit". Again, select the desired half steps (must be the same as for transposing)
  • Now at the end of the section there is no longer a resetting of the key, since this key is now valid from the newly set key to the end of the piece.
  • Select the bar after the section and insert the key again. Select the original key.
Procedure in the sequencer:
  • All parts must be cut at the beginning and end of the region to be transposed! Now all parts are transposed one after the other by the desired semitone steps.
  • Set the marker at start of range and insert new key
  • At the end of the range, set the marker again and insert the original key.
  • Transposing does not set any keys but only shifts the note material in the desired direction!
  • Set key, does not move notes but only sets the dislocation signs!