recent works

General questions about CAS products
jos claes
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 11 Jul 2019, 10:06

recent works

Beitrag von jos claes » 22 Jul 2019, 09:58

How can i delete RECENT WORKS list

Site Admin
Beiträge: 542
Registriert: 28 Okt 2017, 16:22
Wohnort: Dorfstr. 17, CH-9248 Bichwil

Re: recent works

Beitrag von eduardo » 22 Jul 2019, 16:32

I am not relay sure, which list is meant. If it’s the file list on the startpage, then this list is saved in the “FileHistory.ini” file. You will find this file in the directory «Documents/midi-connections». You can delete this file and restart MC-Score/Light/Free and the file list will be empty.

filehistory 1.jpg
filehistory 1.jpg (110.29 KiB) 23694 mal betrachtet

But why? If a file in the list was not found, it is written red. You can delete the entry (not the file!!) with the “Remove not found files from the list” button.

filehistory 0.jpg
filehistory 0.jpg (127.47 KiB) 23694 mal betrachtet