Update Score/Light und Free 6.3.1

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Update Score/Light und Free 6.3.1

Beitrag von eduardo » 04 Aug 2018, 16:15

August 4th 2018
A update of MIDI-Connections Score/Light and Free was released. In the start window of the program you can find more information. Several minor bugs have been fixed in the program.

This update info is also displayed in the information window of the start window for Score/Light and Free. Besides the link to the download page you can also view the changelog. This file lists all changes of the different versions.

info_update_gb.jpg (102.04 KiB) 39639 mal betrachtet
Important: the already installed version does not have to be uninstalled!

When installing the update, you must pay attention to the various installation questions. Maybe a harmonica-map or free-track-texts were changed or added. These user-specific changes are stored in the corresponding *.INI files under Documents/MIDI-Connections. An update installation would overwrite these files. Therefore the update installation asks for all these files if the *.INI file should be overwritten.

hinweise_installation_gb.jpg (39.94 KiB) 39639 mal betrachtet
If an update is installed over an existing installation, no new registration is necessary!